
NYT's "Is It Safer to Visit a Coffee Shop or a Gym?"

NYT American dialect quiz as an example of validity and reliability.

Interactive NYC commuting data illustrates distribution of the sampling mean, median

NYT's "Steven Curry has a popcorn problem"

NYT's "What's going on in this graph?"

NYT's "You Draw It" series

Chokshi's "How Much Weed Is in a Joint? Pot Experts Have a New Estimate"

Quealy & Sanger-Katz's "Is Sushi ‘Healthy’? What About Granola? Where Americans and Nutritionists Disagree"

Carroll's "Sorry, There’s Nothing Magical About Breakfast"

McFadden's "Frances Oldham Kelsey, F.D.A. Stickler Who Saved U.S. Babies From Thalidomide, Dies at 101"

Thomas B. Edsall's "How poor are the poor"?

Using data to inform debate: Free-range parenting

Justin Wolfers' "A Persuasive Chart Showing How Persuasive Charts Are"

Public Religion Research Institute's “I Know What You Did Last Sunday” Finds Americans Significantly Inflate Religious Participation"

The New York Times "As ‘Normal’ as Rabbits’ Weights and Dragons’ Wings"